by Liz Coleman | Nov Thu 2024 | Anxiety & Depression, Emotions & Moods, Self Esteem, Stress, Trauma
Stress is an inevitable part of life It’s the body’s natural response to challenges and demands, and in moderate amounts, it can be beneficial, enhancing our attention and memory, motivating us to achieve goals, and building resilience. However, when stress becomes...
by Liz Coleman | May Thu 2020 | Anxiety & Depression, Coping During COVID-19, Emotions & Moods, Healthy Communication Dynamics
This week is Mental Health Week in Canada. And how timely given the challenging times of this global pandemic. The overarching message for the year is the importance of social connection on mental health. A message that’s difficult to heed when we’re trying to protect...
by Liz Coleman | Jul Mon 2019 | Anger Management, Relationships, Self Esteem
Why are you stuck and keep self-sabotaging yourself? Anger management and anxiety counselling aren’t just about changing behaviour, it’s about finding the deeper cause. The root that’s keeping you stuck, angry, frustrated, anxious and unhappy. But when shifted makes...
by Liz Coleman | Sep Sat 2018 | Anger Management, Couples, Marriage, Relationships, Self Esteem
Part 2 of the Unconditional Love Blog by Choose Again For loving healthy relationships and happy homes get clearer about when love is unconditional and when it’s need. Hint: Unconditional Love isn’t obligation, tolerating bad behaviour or bargaining. Unconditional...
by Liz Coleman | Aug Tue 2018 | Couples, Marriage, Relationships
The 1st of a 6 part blog on Unconditional Love The writer’s focus is on Unconditional Love in the Parent child relationship but these questions and statements can apply to all our relationships. Our ideas of what’s loving when looked at closely are really fear in...